Peggle is a puzzle game where you shoot a ball down a screen trying to hit all the 'Pegs' go score points, There are two types of pegs blue ones which are only there for points and Orange Pegs which you need to hit all of, you also whant to get as many points as possibul pers shot for massive point bonuses and most importantly of all you play as one of those charicters up there each with there own special ability so the unicorn has like super aim and can tell you how each ball would bounce or the skateboarding hamster splits your ball into like 2. Its too hard to explain let me get a youtube vid.
This may seem like a simple game with no real appeal before you play but from the moment you fire your first shot you'll be hooked. I think its fair to compair Bottle Cap games to a common crack dealer (Thats cause I assume crack is like rainbows and talking owls so mabey I'm wrong.) They have made a game so brilliant that I could play it for ever. I have to force my self to stop but you can never quit, only take longer breaks between games.
Tetris DS
I know what some of you are thinking, 'oh wow tetris I'm so glad you told me about such a rare un heard of game, Your so great,' and I think its rude that your being so sarcastic, especaly as its really me being sarcastic in my own head. However this tetris game add more to the mix taking full advantage of the DS wi-fi making this the best multiplayer tetris yet. Now you can connect with quiet a few of your friends (I dont know how many exactly) and play against each other ot team deathmatch (can it be called that in tetris?) all from one card. Its hopelessly brilliant.
I was going to find a video for this but then I remebered that if you have an internet connection and that your reading blogs (not just my blog which seems to be very geeky) then you might have heard of this game. It also however has many diffrent game types but they all center around the basic game of blocks upon blocks upon blocks.
We ♥ Katamari
I'm going to try talking about this after you whatch the opening.
That has nothing to do with anything, thats just the charicters dancing around having a party. Its a game about rolling up things into a katamari (A big ball) and everything you roll will stick to it so long as its bigger than what ever you hit. Things quickly escalate from rolling up pencils and bugs to likie houses and car to eventualy citys. The story behind all this my favrite part, the king of the cosmos (That big guy in the opening) got drunk and destroyed all the stars in the universe so he's taking requests from people over what stars need to be built. He's some of the actual gameplay.
Actualy maby it is quiet violant. In fact if everyone you b roll up does die then my death count from this game is waaaaaaay higher than my GTA kills and I mean from everygame. So if you want your kids (or like the shortest person you know) To grow up into a productive member of sociaty then keep them away from this game. If you want them to turn out like me then get every game on this list.
Also I though I should say that I got my wish, its monday today and I'm sat at home looking at all the deep snow. So if you make a wish on blogger then it must come true.