Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The 5 comics the define their charicter.

Well I'm going back to what I know in this post with another talk about comics, I'm going to pick 5 comics that I think are the best for their charicter, so the kind that dont need to much back story for you to understand and enjoy but if you do then there is soooo much more to enjoy. These are comics I read regularly and well I want you to read them too.

5. 52 (Booster Gold)

52 is a comic book epic which is more of a cross over and might not even fit in here but well I dont care cause the star of the show is Booster gold and skeets. It came after a huge crossover in which the writers sort of re-booted the comics so that everything doesnt contradict everthing else. Its in a world where Batmans going on a break, Supermans needs to re-charge his powers and wonder womans going to 'find herself.'  The comic itself was an experiment to make a comic in real time so it came out once a week and in the story a week would pass, like 24 but you know 52. Its fair to say that the experiment was a succsess but when the project had writters such as Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid and Grant Morrison (my personal favrite writer) it was bound to be a succsess.

The charicter who I enjoyed the most in it was Booster Gold but this comic has plenty others and each takes a turn under the spot lights. Booster Golds story being about trying investigate some irregularitys in the time stream. This however isnt the 1960s anymore and comics have grown up since then so the twists the writters give in this story line are the best.  I would reccomend anyone to read this with little or no background knowlage of DC history.

4. Fantastic Four -1. 2. 3. 4! 
This comic is the one for those who arnt sure whats so Fantastic about these four superheros. Before I read this I wasnt a huge fan but it was reccomened to my by a friend and I've never looked back. Grant Morrison (This wont be his last apperiance) Puts the family into a new light, sure they argue all the time in other comics but never too much. In this we see a Fantastic Four that resent each other, Sues sick of Reed ignoring her to work and Bens jealous of Johnny for his easy life. This is a group of people at their breaking point and with the help from the Teams biggest Villans they'll break. You dont need to know much about the Fantastic Four to enjoy this book and Grant Morrisons writting is brilliant at showing what familys like and the art by Jae Lee and a surreal feeling to the events.
3. Superman Red Son
 Well another favrite writter of mine is Mark Millar whos the man behind Marvels Civil war cross over and Kick Ass. Before he became the biggest writter in the world he made this. Its a simple concept that could have been twisted into a simple story of good vs evil, communnisum vs captialisum or America vs Russia. Thankfully though it isnt, rather than Mark Millare saying its america that made Superman great he reversed it. The America seen in this weak as apposed to Russia which is as strong as the superman who leads it. Not only that but russia actually becomes more powerfull than in real life but without invading anywhere. This comic isnt just smart though, it filled with action and story to keep you reading though to the end and even when you do finish you'll keep coming back for more finding lots of things you never noticed the first time around.

2.Batman and Son, Batman and the Black Glove and Batman RIP

I may have listed 3 comics but there all part of the epic written by Grant Morrison. This is Batman Racing towards his defeat. Its filled with mystery, history and action with this comic just being Batman showing how much of a Badass he is. This is Batman at his prime as we're told he alreadly beaten most the villans in gotham and crimes at an all time low. Little does he know things are happening that will be the beggining of his fall. This comic has everthing from Man-bat ninjas to Batmen from around the world but its the final showdown between bruce wayne and the Black Glove which is really impressive. Who knows mabey Batman will lose this time?
1. Old Man Logan (Wolverine)

As you might be able to tell from the picture this is an epic, its set in a post apocaliptic world and all we know about how the world got this way is that the villans and heroes has a big fight and the heroes lost. The story centers around Logan (wolverine for those who dont know or didnt guess.) Hes an old farmer whos broke and needs to pay rent to the banner kids. So to do this he teams up with a blind hawkeye to travel across America. However something is wrong with Logan, he's no longer the battle hungry warrior we once knew, he refuses to fight never mind pop his claws and this is verry bad in this world with dangers all around the corner. This comic is a cross between a western, a superhero and some other crap that I dont even know. The brilliance of this comic is what Mark Millar leaves unsaid because what ever I imagne happened is always going to be better than what they could ever say, well apart from what happened to wolverine that was waay better than any ideas I had. The art is brilliant and keeps you trapped in the worlds just saying the same thing over and over "just one more page."

Thats it for today, I might post again like on friday or sometime around then so till then, stay classy internet.


  1. Awesome comics. I am still pissed about the whole Batman and his kryptonite gloves, how lame. Supes would DESTROY Batman.

  2. Superman Red Son is one of the best comics ever made.

  3. Awesome post, great comics...need I say more?

  4. Never read them myself but I can definitely appreciate such incredible cover art. Each one looks incredible.

  5. Great work, even though i am not a big fan of comics, this article looks awesome!

  6. these comics bring back memories :)
    ah... i feel old now!

  7. Wow, that really mustve been a lot of work to release 1 comic a week. Hard workers!

  8. nice, can't wait for the next update

  9. Character development is the best.

  10. Wow, these comics I've never even heard of, awesome post and thanks for the letting me know about them :) time to collect!!

  11. you've got some very interesting thoughts

  12. Good post! Looking forward to reading you next one

  13. the blogosphere thanks you for your contribution

  14. i like your post!

  15. i really need to get back into reading comics!

  16. nice post! time to head to the comic book store!

  17. I'll see if I can find some of these :)

  18. really good choices. I should pick up reading comics again i don't even know why i ever stopped drowning in fantastic tales
