Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Best games of 2010 (part one)

I've decided to talk about what games I enjoyed the most of 2010. I hate to say this but for me as a gamer 2010 was not a good year. The start was slow and the end had only a few ket titles that kept me entertained however this does not mean that all the games sucked, the best games are up as some of the best games of all time. So I'll start with one which I've been waiting a long time for.

3. Red Dead Redemption

The thrid best game of 2010 and there is a big difference between this and the fourth best game of 2010 (I suppose its Call of Duty or something.) Red Dead Redemption is a rooting tooting cowboy adventure, its a game I have been waiting for since Red Dead Revolover which had the action but no sandbox world to get lost in. Then a few years later Gun came out and it was the best cowboy game I had ever played for the weekend. So I've been waiting for a cowboy game with the world to have fun in, waiting since the PS2. So When the new Red Dead game I was (needless to say) excited about it and well It was well worth the wait so what makes it the third best game of 2010 well I'll start with graphics.


This game looks better than any other game, from the landscape to the wildlife to all the people everything looks like it should. On my first day of owning this game I went to explore. I found the highest mountain I could find and looked over the land as the sun set over the desert. I sat on my horse looking out over this new world and thought that this could be one I care for, one where if bad things happen I would see it happen and feel bad about it. I then rode down the mountain made camp and waited till sunrise before making my way back to town. This world is full of nature and wild life so watching this world is better than any other world but who wants to watch?


This is the most important part of any game and Red Dead has plenty to keep it going, from the start with horse riding to hunting to fighting outlaws to robbing banks. This is a game you play your way as you ride around in this world, anything you point at you can make dead. To start with the missions are simaler to GTA and are possible the weakest part of the gameplay, it follows the simple stucture of talking to someone, riding somewhere, talking to someone else, shooting alot of things then maby riding somewhere else to shoot some more things then your done for another day. Its what you do between missions that makes this a truely amazing game. Hunting is great because there are some many diffrent types of animal to hunt, from the humble duck to deadly bear anything that moves can be filled with bullets, skinned and sold. There are flowers to go gather, poker games to win bandito hideouts to smoke out and prostitutes to save from stabbings. There is alot to do and not much time to do it in, well theres plenty of time but who cares go see this world.


The music in this world is nice and the sound effects work well, however one problem (Elsewise I wouldnt have botherd with sound and just skipped to scoring) and its that the game keeps playing the rattle snake sound as a part of music. So every now and then I freeze and dont know what to do, only to find that it was the music.


Grapics 9/10 as close to perfection without actualy being perfect.
Sound 10/10 sound doesnt bother me too much but this game has it.
Gameplay 8/10 there is a shit load to do but to be honest most of it is just messing about.

Overall 9/10 Almost perfect but just has something missing.

Saturday, 25 December 2010


Well I havent been on for awhile because of work and christmas preperation but now I'm back and right now I'm writing my top 3 games of 2010 reviews, what will they be? The suspence is killing me thats all I know. So This is also a chance for me to say merry Christmas and to talk about what I got. I got a home camcorder but I dont have editing software to make films with it yet, I also got Tropico 3 which is the only game I really wanted this year that I didnt already have. Most importantly I got a box full of japanese sweets, like a candy care package, so overall I'm happy with what I got. Tell me what you guys got and have a good christmas (But if your reading this on christmas then your as sad as me.)

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Why it would suck to live in..... Fallout

Its been awhile since I last posted cause I've been busy busy busy. Today I'm going to disccuss what it be to live in the world which Fallout is set. I'm going to be talking more about the newest one New Vagas more but it applies pritty much to all of them. Now of cause it would be a horrific place to live but not for you surely I mean you've played the game so you know what its all about. So lets start with you charicrter.

1. Your Charicter Gets everything handed to him on a plate

I woke up in Goodsprings after being shot in the head (I'll ignore this for now) to find I had been saved by this docter. He then goes on to let me take everything in house that isnt nailed down. I mean everything.

I dont even know why, greed most likely.

Not only does he let you pillage his home like this but he also gives you a Pit Boy. Now I dont care that you need a pitboy to play the game. I know its there cause they need an easy menue that isnt just like pushing start. However Its still what gives you your edge. It keeps you organised, on the right path and in the right health cause this super advanced computer can tell you how close you are to death. This is an unfair start already.

2. No Real Goverment, No Economy and Expencive Health Care.

Ok sure a badass like who you play in Fallout doesnt care about this one, all he cares about is going round kicking ass, charming ladies and smoking some jet. However (Theres always a however) you've not always been a badass. There was a time when you were small and your parents had to look after you and feed you. Now how did you parents afford the birth? Cause it'll cost atleast 50 caps before a docter will even look your way. Who cares though cause 50 caps is nothing right? Well actualy its alot, food costs 7 caps and there are people out in the waste land that carnt afford that alot of people in fact. Any nameless person you meet infact. They are so poor they carnt afford guns or anything because they only way the can get monry is collection junk to sell to try and earn enough to eat. So empty soda bottle is actualy someones lunch. So the quickest way to earn Karma should be to grab all that food you have (be honest how much do you really need?) and give it to the poor. So those poor wastelander should be happy cause all this means that they can live in the first empty house they find whithout been caught by a morgage or anything like that however.....

3. Death! Death Everywhere!

There is every chance that nice little house will be burnt down by raider or legion or hell even just a random deathclaw that got lost.

Daddy why is the devil sniffing our backdoor?
You see this is a dark terrible where monsters walk the earth and about 90% of people carnt do shit about it. Its true. If a Albino Radscopion found its way into most towns the populas would be overrun in no time at all. The reason for this is that most people dont have guns cause most people carnt afford them. Some might but when they get hom they find the 40 caps the hid away stolen by that rich guy who alreadly has like 12 guns but whants to buy that really, really big one. Though then again though not everyone is one of those panseys theres also the NCR who are like a full blown army. Hell you could join them learn how to shoot and earn a shit ton of cash. Well except....

4. Everything is being controled by people who just want more.

The NCR are in a war against the legion that they might not win, this is like WW2 where the Natzis almost took over eroupe and were ready for the UK. Oh except that there is a usa but they are evenly matched for this fight and the legion doesnt have Russia attacking from the other side. In fact the only real simalartiy between the two is that alot of people are about to die.

5. The Crippling Boredom

Most places in the whole world (not just the wasteland) is stuck in a dark age. There are someplaces which have power but only a select few. So what else is there to do? Books are rare and all non-fiction, the few computers around are ether fancy on-off switches or only have the fallout version of word on them. So then go out an live right? So long as its not too dangerous like those Nightstalkers or something. Well it wont be too bad though cause when your not eating you'll be whatching the horizon for death to finaly come to you.

So thats it, I'm sure there are plently of explinations for how it would rock but well deep down we all know why it would be awesome.

Monday, 6 December 2010

The whole world is dead (it slipped on the ice)

Well I've been busy this week what with all the snow keeping me away from college and sat at home watching the time slip away. In fact I've been so busy doing all that shit that I actualy some how managed to write a review for fallout, which is on my computer ready to be uploaded. Know what the problem is? I'm not on my computer. So Instead I'm going to ramble on as a wait for my friends to get here with something called lemon drizzle  
So lets talk about what's new with me? The snows starting to clear up but now its dangers icy shit that kills people like me. So I still don't want to leave my house, that and the cold wind makes me stay sat in my room playing fallout.
Other news I got shit loads of Kung-Fu films with my pay, from the western ones like Kill Bill to the Big Boss Staring Bruce Lee and one staring the Kung-Fu mega star Bruce Le (I am being sarcastic this guys life is his name is one letter of Bruce Lee, there are a lot like it and it means the film will rock) So I have those to view and enjoy.
Finally I might (This is a big might, everything I say I'm going to do on here tends to be a lie, I think I've told the truth like once) for the the new year run through my top 5 games of all time, So that when it comes to next year I wont be throwing in old games for the game of the year awards. (Plus its fun to do)

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The Sky is Falling!!!!

Well England (where I live if you didn't know already) is closed down by falling white dots which is coating the land like sugar over my corn flakes. If you live in a country where it snows all the time you might be thinking 'big deal its just snow.' Well this is more snow that there has been in my lifetime combined, this is the beginning of the end in England, its like Mad Max meets Cool Runnings. I just saw children feasting on the frozen body.
I can't get out my house, well I can but its not nice out there. Its snowing more than its not, all wildlife must be dead by now it has to be cause if it wasn't for my quilt and heater I would be. I don't put shit in the fridge any more I just leave it out.

Really though its bad, I kinda blame myself for demanding it be so. Oh well it means I dont have to deal will all my problems that I have to face at college for over a week. Of and this.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Games are just weird

I'm still in gamer mode today but rather than talking about games that dont need to be about violance, or killing or beating each other with your bare hands, no games can be about love everything thats right with the world. Heres my list of these.
Peggle is a puzzle game where you shoot a ball down a screen trying to hit all the 'Pegs' go score points, There are two types of pegs blue ones which are only there for points and Orange Pegs which you need to hit all of, you also whant to get as many points as possibul pers shot for massive point bonuses and most importantly of all you play as one of those charicters up there each with there own special ability so the unicorn has like super aim and can tell you how each ball would bounce or the skateboarding hamster splits your ball into like 2. Its too hard to explain let me get a youtube vid.

This may seem like a simple game with no real appeal before you play but from the moment you fire your first shot you'll be hooked. I think its fair to compair Bottle Cap games to a common crack dealer (Thats cause I assume crack is like rainbows and talking owls so mabey I'm wrong.) They have made a game so brilliant that I could play it for ever. I have to force my self to stop but you can never quit, only take longer breaks between games.

Tetris DS

I know what some of you are thinking, 'oh wow tetris I'm so glad you told me about such a rare un heard of game, Your so great,' and I think its rude that your being so sarcastic, especaly as its really me being sarcastic in my own head. However this tetris game add more to the mix taking full advantage of the DS wi-fi making this the best multiplayer tetris yet. Now you can connect with quiet a few of your friends (I dont know how many exactly) and play against each other ot team deathmatch (can it be called that in tetris?) all from one card. Its hopelessly brilliant. 
I was going to find a video for this but then I remebered that if you have an internet connection and that your reading blogs (not just my blog which seems to be very geeky) then you might have heard of this game. It also however has many diffrent game types but they all center around the basic game of blocks upon blocks upon blocks.

We ♥ Katamari
I'm going to try talking about this after you whatch the opening.

That has nothing to do with anything, thats just the charicters dancing around having a party. Its a game about rolling up things into a katamari (A big ball) and everything you roll will stick to it so long as its bigger than what ever you hit. Things quickly escalate from rolling up pencils and bugs to likie houses and car to eventualy citys. The story behind all this my favrite part, the king of the cosmos (That big guy in the opening) got drunk and destroyed all the stars in the universe so he's taking requests from people over what stars need to be built. He's some of the actual gameplay. 

Actualy maby it is quiet violant. In fact if everyone you b roll up does die then my death count from this game is waaaaaaay higher than my GTA kills and I mean from everygame. So if you want your kids (or like the shortest person you know) To grow up into a productive member of sociaty then keep them away from this game. If you want them to turn out like me then get every game on this list.

Also I though I should say that I got my wish, its monday today and I'm sat at home looking at all the deep snow. So if you make a wish on blogger then it must come true.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Why the world is ready for Time Splitters 4!

I awoke today to my brother playing Call of duty today, its the free xbox live weekend and so he's making the most of it.I felt how ever that as a modern shooter it looks the same as many other FPS these days. The best comparison I can think of is the new Call of Duty and the new Medal Of Honor,

Aside from The HUD I think I would be hard to distinguish the two games from each other, I am sad to say that this seems to be the way for FPS multiplayer games. These are the games that people want, they sell better than any other game but is it because of the mature content set in the realistic world or just the competative play?
The way I feel is that it is the later and that the world that alot of us spend all our time in (How long do you spend playing these games?) could be alot brighter. So I'll look back to my past and to the first FPS I enjoyed playing which was in my opintion the best FPS ever made. I am talking about Timesplitters 2. When I first saw it I rejected it as another FPS, I had played them before and didnt likie them at all. All I wanted to do was to draw with my new art pad and not play this new unknown game. However my brothers nagged and nagged and nagged untill I gave it a go. I destroyed my brothers, they were crushed by my might and accuracy. It was a good day for me I have to admit and what it was that made me love this game? Monkeys.

Well not just monkeys but the soft graphics and cartoon world mkade it easy for someone like me to enjoy. There is less pressure as you whatch everyone run around you realize that its more hectic and crazy than serius and organzied. You dont know whats going to come around the corner next.and because of this its a fun and enjoyable game. The game which came after it was also brilliant and funny I played it almost as much as 2.
That was 2002 (well 2003 as I got it for christmas) now its 2010 and its the world where COD and MOH are kings so I'm here thinking mabey its time for timesplitters to come save us from the dark realisatic war games we're playing now and to take us to farway lands of monkeys vs zombies vs cowboys vs more monkeys. There have been rumours of TS4 for years but when Free Radical whent under in 2008 things looked like the dream had come to end, however in 2009 crytek brought Free Radical which is now Crytek Uk.
The last game they made was Haize which I feel is an even worse generic stereotype which is the space marine. It would be a shame for them to abandon Timesplitters as it a series which I love and one that I know many gamers love. There is a ray of light though as They have realised teaser pictures of the new games which shown they are considering games for this gereration of games.

These excite me so much, I hope that these arnt just console exclusives and come out on everything, even the rumors of a wii version of the game is enough to keep me up at night. Its the xbox 360 and the PS3 (more for Xbox though) cause of DLC. Timesplitters would be perfect for this generations greatest achivment (in my eyes) as even its campain is lots of little stories and little missions. There could be map packs, charicter packs and even monkey packs.
Then there is online gaming which has exploded and it makes me think about how this is a game that even kids would be ok playing online rather than just COD (is there anything more annoying that a 12 year old screaming at you?) as the violance on this is alot simpler and alot less bloody.
So I hope that Crytek can find a publisher for this game cause I dont think I could live in a decade without it. In fact if its not out by 2020 then I'm out and I'll just kill myself and I hope you will to.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

White Christmas?

I was going to put my college work on here but its on my hard drive which is upstairs and I really am that lazy so instead you'll have to put up with my stupid random talks so well lets see. Its Cold, I knew when I said it was cold I was right, its the first time its snowed this earliy in over 17 year in the UK and I'm sat here hoping to be soooo snowed in I carnt go to work tonight, I live round the corner from work so it would have to be snowing so bad that there is just a sea of snow.
I still dont know what to do with my day so if it wasnt for work I would be out in the snow having a ball trying to sledge or throw so snowballs at my brother then after I get too cold and wet coming in to play Red Dead Online.
Its Free Xbox weekend so I'm playing on that when I get off this and all night and mabey all of tommorow but to do that I have to resist Fallout for the weekend, which is impossible to do cause I need to play it. I was playing online for about an hour last night and then my need to play fallout was too much and I was gone. Also I've started again (again) however I will tell you what I'm doing. I'm playing throught as though I was Kahn the barbarian. So its hard I can tell you that much, for starters I picked unarmed and like high endurance and like not inteligence. This is hard because inteligence is my highest stat when I normaly play. So when you play through fallout pick a charicter and just playthrough as that, makes the game sooo much more interesting.
Well thats it for today, hopefully I'll get a chance to post again tommorow and then if I'm not then atleast let me have monday off (Whoever you are why wont you let me have monday off you bastard)

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaais is what I would say if I was a zombie, which is the topic of todays post, well more specificly I will be talking about The Walking dead as I said in an earlier post.
The Walking Dead is a comic by Robert Kirkman and is about a super hero who can turn anything he sees into bacon. Just kidding its about Zombies (had you going there right? RIGHT?) and a badass motherfucker named Rick Grimes.
Rick got shot, went into a coma and woke up in a hospitle. This would be disorienting enough but he had the bad luck of waking up after a zombie apocalypse and so he spends the rest of his time being a stone cold badass and if he has some time to spare he'll like make his way to his family.
I will start this by saying I'm not a zombie fan, their over used and seem to be the favrite of any gothy (ie? y? I dont know how to end that) kid. From the Day of the Dead to Diary of the Dead I just dont care so when I saw the Walking Dead comic I was all like "Meh!" but as I kept going about my life it kept coming at me. I put it off and off and off till one day all I had left to read was the walking dead. I regret putting it off now because its just fantastic from the gruesome art (which is hard to portray in black an white) to the brilliant story telling. You become attached to the charicters in this and dislike anyone trys to cause trouble, but the guy you like the most is Rick. With him around you would know you could probely see this apocalypse to the end. So as a comic this is a must read and I give it a 9/10

 How ever this does not necessarily mean that the TV show is going to rock as hard as the comic, as many attempts at a spiderman or the New Adventures of Lois and Clark.

Who am I kidding this show rocks!
However The walking Dead pulls this off, it stays close to the source material and because of this it doesnt lose out, Its only diffrence is for filler and zombie foder but its still as nerve racking as the comic and I think its done this way to stop the people who read  the comic seccond guessing whats going to happen. I didnt like the actor who played rick at first, he reminded me of the guy from highlander too much. This changed however once I saw him in action and I was sold. This is the best Tv show right now better than most other things I've seen and now that southpark has ended this is my main priority to whatch so whatch it everynight the night it comes out. If you dont I will find you and get you, while you sleep.

So this is it for now, tommorow I'll be posting some of my maya work (just so the name of the blog isnt just a lie.)

Monday, 22 November 2010

Random Update 22/11/10

Well To start with I have been busy having bitching house parties and whatching the lastest and greatest shows to blog but I have got several posts planned and heres the list,

-Fallout NV 1st playthrough
-The Walking Dead Tv-comic comparison/review
-Batman R.I.P., Reborn and Return review
-Other Comic lists.
And hopefully much much more, if I get time on wednesday I'll also do like a bonus post if I can think of one. Thanks for all your support and constant views, I'll like make rounds on wednesday and hopefull before too long I'll put my own video online.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Comics Arnt for Kids!!!

This is going to be a list of diffrent comics that (as the title suggests) arnt for kid. This is the main thing said about comics, people think that just because a medium has stuff aimed at children doesnt make the whole medium for children. These comics I think are the best for showing this some are super hero comics, some arnt, some are offencive and some actualy have an important message to get across. So I'll begin with....

5. The Invisibles
This far out, paranoid and just plain trippy comic is the work of (Yet again) Grant Morrison. Its one of his biggest series and this weird comic is one of the first things that spring to mind. This anti-establishment comic is the kind of thing that couldnt have been made if it came out now, it revolves around a band of terrosists fighting everything that is nornal, bad and just plain restricting. However this isnt against any real goverment but parasetic demons from another dimension.Theres plently here for everyone so long as your open minded and dont mind some crazy psychedelic stories.

4. Transmetropolitan

This comic is also an obvious choice for this list, full of profanity, drug use and all sort of other shit thats all wrapped up in an important political message. Its about freedom and the importance of a free media. This comic is diffrent from most you will ever read as you are dragged around the sc-fi world by the Hunter. S. Tompson charicter as he explains what is wrong with everyone and everything in the form of home truths.

3. Preacher
 This is a comic thats hard to sum up in a paragraph, a preast whos depressed and lost faith in god gets possessed by and half angel/half demon which gives him the word of god and the powetr to make anyone do anything he can says. Rather than being corrupted by such power he puts it to a much more important use, to find god and get him to anwser for everything. This comic is like my favrite comic of all  time thanks to the brilliant writing of Garth Ennis this story goes from black comedy to an even darker drama in a heartbeat.

2. The Filth
 Thiis brilliant comic is like the Invisibles but x 1,000, more sex drugs and just plain weirdness from a talking Russian Chimpanzee to a giant flying killer super sperm. Its again written by Gran Morrison and is about one man trying to find out who he is, is he the super spy everyone tells him he is or is there something else? Should he follow what he's told or go with what he thinks.

1. The Boys
When the saviours are worse than the villans they protect us from, whos going to stop them? Thats what the boys are for. This anti-superhero comic raises from the humour of everything people dislike about superheroes, and puts them in a very real context but thats not all, this comic is also writtten by Garth Ennis and follows the black humour of preacher but alot more darker. This is is not for the faint of heart, well none on this list are but with this one is by far the furthest I've seen a comic go.

Thanks for reading, I've a couple more posts being written, I'll put a new post up tommorow as well. If theres any topic you want me to address just say and I'll consider it.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

My 10 rules for life. (and other topics)

This is some stuff I wrote when I was about 16 and I though I was funny, It funny at the time so who knows you might like it.

My 10 Rules for life (By Lexington age 16(or 17 I dont know)

1 . Dont try cause you will hate yourself in the end.
2 .Bro's before whoes
3 .unless its me
4 .Never eat ants. EVER
5 .Dont borrow money off my brother
6 .Be who you whant. Dress how you like and have you hair the way you whant it.
7 .Say you follow rule 6 but really you carnt aford a hair cut
8. Dont tell people what they should and shouldnt like. Only say what you do and dont
9 .Not every one can share the same likes. Something which is sad to you is fun to some one else.
10. Think of ten rules not just nine

In other news I have just brought dynasty warriors strike force and will probely have a re-view up for that sooner than fallout and I'm deciding what my next comic book post will be, something tells me its time for something batman theamed. See y'all next time.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The 5 comics the define their charicter.

Well I'm going back to what I know in this post with another talk about comics, I'm going to pick 5 comics that I think are the best for their charicter, so the kind that dont need to much back story for you to understand and enjoy but if you do then there is soooo much more to enjoy. These are comics I read regularly and well I want you to read them too.

5. 52 (Booster Gold)

52 is a comic book epic which is more of a cross over and might not even fit in here but well I dont care cause the star of the show is Booster gold and skeets. It came after a huge crossover in which the writers sort of re-booted the comics so that everything doesnt contradict everthing else. Its in a world where Batmans going on a break, Supermans needs to re-charge his powers and wonder womans going to 'find herself.'  The comic itself was an experiment to make a comic in real time so it came out once a week and in the story a week would pass, like 24 but you know 52. Its fair to say that the experiment was a succsess but when the project had writters such as Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid and Grant Morrison (my personal favrite writer) it was bound to be a succsess.

The charicter who I enjoyed the most in it was Booster Gold but this comic has plenty others and each takes a turn under the spot lights. Booster Golds story being about trying investigate some irregularitys in the time stream. This however isnt the 1960s anymore and comics have grown up since then so the twists the writters give in this story line are the best.  I would reccomend anyone to read this with little or no background knowlage of DC history.

4. Fantastic Four -1. 2. 3. 4! 
This comic is the one for those who arnt sure whats so Fantastic about these four superheros. Before I read this I wasnt a huge fan but it was reccomened to my by a friend and I've never looked back. Grant Morrison (This wont be his last apperiance) Puts the family into a new light, sure they argue all the time in other comics but never too much. In this we see a Fantastic Four that resent each other, Sues sick of Reed ignoring her to work and Bens jealous of Johnny for his easy life. This is a group of people at their breaking point and with the help from the Teams biggest Villans they'll break. You dont need to know much about the Fantastic Four to enjoy this book and Grant Morrisons writting is brilliant at showing what familys like and the art by Jae Lee and a surreal feeling to the events.
3. Superman Red Son
 Well another favrite writter of mine is Mark Millar whos the man behind Marvels Civil war cross over and Kick Ass. Before he became the biggest writter in the world he made this. Its a simple concept that could have been twisted into a simple story of good vs evil, communnisum vs captialisum or America vs Russia. Thankfully though it isnt, rather than Mark Millare saying its america that made Superman great he reversed it. The America seen in this weak as apposed to Russia which is as strong as the superman who leads it. Not only that but russia actually becomes more powerfull than in real life but without invading anywhere. This comic isnt just smart though, it filled with action and story to keep you reading though to the end and even when you do finish you'll keep coming back for more finding lots of things you never noticed the first time around.

2.Batman and Son, Batman and the Black Glove and Batman RIP

I may have listed 3 comics but there all part of the epic written by Grant Morrison. This is Batman Racing towards his defeat. Its filled with mystery, history and action with this comic just being Batman showing how much of a Badass he is. This is Batman at his prime as we're told he alreadly beaten most the villans in gotham and crimes at an all time low. Little does he know things are happening that will be the beggining of his fall. This comic has everthing from Man-bat ninjas to Batmen from around the world but its the final showdown between bruce wayne and the Black Glove which is really impressive. Who knows mabey Batman will lose this time?
1. Old Man Logan (Wolverine)

As you might be able to tell from the picture this is an epic, its set in a post apocaliptic world and all we know about how the world got this way is that the villans and heroes has a big fight and the heroes lost. The story centers around Logan (wolverine for those who dont know or didnt guess.) Hes an old farmer whos broke and needs to pay rent to the banner kids. So to do this he teams up with a blind hawkeye to travel across America. However something is wrong with Logan, he's no longer the battle hungry warrior we once knew, he refuses to fight never mind pop his claws and this is verry bad in this world with dangers all around the corner. This comic is a cross between a western, a superhero and some other crap that I dont even know. The brilliance of this comic is what Mark Millar leaves unsaid because what ever I imagne happened is always going to be better than what they could ever say, well apart from what happened to wolverine that was waay better than any ideas I had. The art is brilliant and keeps you trapped in the worlds just saying the same thing over and over "just one more page."

Thats it for today, I might post again like on friday or sometime around then so till then, stay classy internet.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Feels so cold.

This is going to be another random post, I swear I'll like do the fallout post soon but I've not been able to play it and now I just got Bladestorm so I'll be playing that for awhile but I'll do the whole fallout thing like soon but for now its still my opinions on everything else.

So I'll start with the winter. Whats up with that? its soooooooooo cold, like I carnt feel my feet and I'm shivering and its not even winter yet! Whats up with that? Yeah these weather patterns suck, I dont think I'll make it to next year so I'm giving up for the winter and going into hibernation like any self respecting mammal would. I think it'll be very good for me and help with shit but to be honest if I had my laptop already I would have done. just live in bed. Well I think I would also need plenty of people willing to help with my madness, which I dont so it doesnt matter.

Other things I'm dissapointed in is the lack of money in my pocket, I wanted so much more money for buying stuff, I wanted like several Kung-fu films, some N64 games and hell a laptop for good messure, I also wanted like non specific drugs or not drugs but when I got my money I was dissapointed by how little there was and more importantly how little it can buy. Like I dont know if anyone has told you but everythings expencive, like super expencive. I got like on thing on that list that I actualy got and its all gone. So I need to learn the value of money or some shit but god £5 for bomberman 64. Maby next month.

Finaly The new South Parks are something to look forward too, I've whatched them both like as soon as they've come out. I hope this means that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are just comic book Nerds. But the real star of these few episodes is Captain Hindsight whos entertains me to no end, I'll be going to this in more depth later point when I do like a big TV post. And so people dont get bored I'll show another cat video.

I'm such a whore.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Things that change my world.

Well Today I'm going to talk about the most influential things I have come across in my day to day, what affects me in a way that gets me to stop and think 'yes' thats what I want to talk to you about. The greatness (And sometimes scaryness) of mankind. So lets start with what the theame is here, its stuff from the internet, these are probely real old and you'll have seen them all but well I dont think you thought about them so much so I'll do that for you. We do live in the age of wonders people and I will show you how crazy mankind has got, the other theame in this is scientific discovery so you'll be learning too if you havent seen all this. First Video!

3. Dr Quantum blows my mind.
Well this video is the most populare of the Dr Quantim videos and the best way to describe this is a kids show mixed with a physics and all sorts of minds blowing shit but this one is the biggest one. If you know alot about physics then you'll know about the double slit experiment, I had heard about it but I didnt know the details so this is way cool. I liked learning useless physics stuff in school and in year 11 I was the only non sixth former to go to an astronamy lecture and if I had stayed at my seccondy school then I would have done astronamy, may have even reached university already but thats not Important, not after whatching this.

Thats some crazy shit up there, just think about that for a seccond (dont realy, it could hurt.) Thats some crazy ass shit but It helps me get the theory behind it. Do you know why this is? Cause the dude wears a cape. Thats works for me. Now I dont care about what I'm doing at uni, it means NOTHING anymore, everything from work the the stupid cold wearther, its all just crazy. Well at least I dont have to do anything about it, some guys going to figure it out and I'll whatch the Dr Quantum about it.

Further Viewing: Dr Quantum - Flatland

2. I'm Putting my brain in one of those (Once they get good)

Well lets see whats going on with robots and all that shit, There important you know, they'll replace imagrants as the scapgoat for all lifes problems and rasicm will end like that (Or mabey not?) So what I dont get is why is none of this in the news? We hear about how GTA is brainwashing me to kill whoever or the fact that two film stars as getting married but these important things never get shown on TV much, and its your fault (maby YOU specificly but someone who might read this blog, I dunno what you like!) So lets cut to the chase ROBOTS. 

Well well well, it seems like someone never gave them the "Dont play god! You little SHITS!" talk. Clearly there just in this so they can put their brains in the fucking robot and then enslave us all. I'd be worried if that thing could actualy do something but it carnt, it just knows when something is near it, so what. It still carnt see (yet) but this is the furture, if they hurry this up then I might live to see the invention of immortality (and the £10 a month I've been putting away to buy my way onto this will be worth it) Good look men, Good luck.

Further Viewing: Jules the Robot

1. The new enlightenment!!

Well in my opinion this next film shows mankind at the peak of its brilliance. This is why we crawled out of the primordial ooze, what helped us defeat the neanderthals, What pushed our great thinkers from aristotle to Steven Hawking and what many soldiers are fighting for right now over in the middle east. This shows what we can do if we work together, what separates us from the animals is our abilty to come up with consepts such as this. This man, this great man is what we should all aspire to be, listen to what he says in the video, thats a mixe of the badassness of batman but the wisdom of socraties. This man did not stop till he showed thw world his great talent. If we had more men like this man running counrtys then mabey we would achive heaven on earth. Lets whatch.

Holy Shit! That is awesome is it not, I dont know how that didnt reach the news! But you see where most men say "Nah brah that'll never work!" He said "YES!" I mean it had to be cooler in real life but come one, did you hear how badly they want to think its the first time they've seen him do it? He must have done it all the time as like some lame ass party trick and then they were like "The world must know!" Or you know he begged them to be in his video. Man I am mad jealous of that camera man. If I knew someone that talented I'd be through film school by now shit there would be like a million of that same trick but done diffrently.

Further Viewing: One man and his tape (or whatever he calls him self, probely dave or some hick name like that)

Well thats all for now folks, I know I said I'd have fallout up but I'm still playing that shit and I dont whant to do it till its done. Also in other news I should be getting my own Laptop tommorow or by at least monday so I'll be blogging more regulary (even if it is another cat video) And I'll be doing one on pokemon Black when I get it. Oh and sorry if any of you are called dave I dont think its that much of a hick name.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Not that Bad

Well its nice to know alot of you guys care about me and all the nice comments mean alot to me but you dont have to actualy worry about me because it only half true. I mean I'm not charismatic but I'm obviously not as bad as I said or I wouldnt have made a blog. I was writting it to A. Try and be funny and B. So when I start saying I'm better than everyone I dont seem like too big a dick. I'll be writting about Fallout next so speak to you then. (I'll even try and get some pictures.)

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

I'm tired so who knows what'll happen

Well I'm sat here at 3 Am trying to get more people reading and I dont know what to do. All my ideas fall just short of exposing myself and if it wasnt for blogger policy or the fact that I'm a lonely 19 year old who sits on blogger at 3 in the morning so no one will want to look at me anyway (no offense if your reading this at 3 in the morning.) So anyway I'm sat here with a cat sat on me doing the bond villian thing thinking about how I can rule the internet, I will be moving on to the real world but hey, (whos to say in a few years time the internet wont be the real world? ) The best way to do it is through you my disenfranchised readers, cause at the end of the day we're all the same except your more than likely more charismatic than me, and dont take that as a compliment there have been worker ants who could boss me about so you know. Well thats enough self degradation for now I think I should talk about other things, no one wants to hear me moan about how shit I am for 5 paragraphs (I know this isnt paragraphed but if thats a problem go fuck yourself cause no one else will if you actualy care about that.) I'm sat here listening to the kickass sound track, I like half the songs on it but I could have downloaded 'This town isnt big enough for the both of us' by the sparks without having to listen to quotes from the film every 5 secconds, yes the film litraly kicked my ass but I dont want to listen to it while spaced out thinking of shit to type. The other half is filled with tacks that are just shit, I dont even remeber them in the film, at no point did I hear MIKA sing through the whole thing so why would I whant to hear it now? Aside from that yeah its good, I hear it when ever I read kick ass. I will use this time to talk about selling-out, I know this seems like quiet a jump but I'll make the connection for you. Kick ass was written by mark millar and hes a big massive sell out (just look at the wanted film then the comic then back to the film) Now sure wanted sucked the balls of a donkey dry but that doesnt mean mark millar was wrong for letting them take his comic and bending it over like something out of deliverance cause you know what, I would. If some how I had written a whatchmen like book I would let make it into x-men 3 quality film cause hell selling outs fun, I sold out 3 times before breakfast. See those adverts all over the place? Thats me selling out, thats me showing I only want money and if I want to sell out then thats ok cause hell if I want to do it then thats my call and hell what ever its not like any of this matters. I think that'll do for now, thats enough of my crazy ranting for now so who knows when my next post will be, might be tommorow if I'm not too paralized my deppression to do anything (Well I know I'll at least check my blogger like seven times tommorow) . See you then y'all!!!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Excuses, Excuses

Well I've been trying to write some interesting things on here but I'm working on one computer between 5 people so whenever I get a good about of typing done I have to stop and save to drafts, and then later I come back and think, I dont want to talk about this so to be honest I dont think this is going to be consistant for awhile  Well At least soon I'll be able to to post everyday once I get my laptop. Oh but this is hardly a post more just what I'd tell my tutors when I go back to college about the 5 essays I'm ment to be doing so to make it up to you heres a video of a cat that I find funny.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Games Review- Life

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I wish I could have done so sooner but I've been busy with my crap job and even worse socal life so its time I did a new post. Its time for a games review post but I was unsure what game to do so I decided to go for a universal game that everyone plays. LIFE. (That whole thing didnt sound so cheesy in my head) it's the way for me to show what I expect of my games. So I'll start at the beginning, this is a game that takes ages to get into, its just a long tutorial after tutorial. Theres alot to learn and it takes along time to do it. Alot the things you get taught you wont even use for the rest of the game depending on how you chose to play the game. That is the big advantage of this game is the variation, this is a game where you can do what you want. Play the game how you want, be it just a game where you do nothing or go around on a mass killing rampage, this is where the media have gone crazy, there are some points in this game where the violance is stupidly common in some places. This is a game where you can just go out and kill anyone you want, do what ever you want. You can take drugs or sleep with random people and if your careful about it then there will be no consequences for your actions.
I have alot of problems with this game though, for starters theres no real story it all seems like random events one after another. I played for ages an nothing happened. Sure there is alot going on that you can go see but for any real excitment you have to do alot of stuff and reach alot of certain requirerments before you can do all these amazing things. Another thing this game boasts is customization of you charicter but to get any of the good thing cost alot of money which has to be earnt by doing lot of mini games. In fact the whole game relys on money which can only be earnt by doing these jobs all of which take learning skills and playing mini games.
The seccond big problem the game has is the cut scenes, you carnt skip them. Sure during important story points like graduation or conversations I might understand but I spend over 4 hour yesterday on the bus, I couldnt skip a moment of this. I had to sit though 4 hours of bus. Its a nice novelty at first but now I just want it all to end. This happens with everything and the further you want to go the longer the cut scene, it sucks.
My final and biggest prolem I have with this game is the end *SPOILER* you die. You always die and no matter how many times you try to play though it you will always die and its a fallout 3 ending in the way that it just ends. No messing about in the huge sandbox world once you've done all your work it just ends, so it makes you feel like all your hard work building stats and customizing your charicter are well pointless, if it wernt for the most important factor in this game. This brings new meaning to the word mulitplayer. Forget WOW or any other MMORPG cause if talking to people while you play is what your into then this game is all for you., to be honest I dont, People are not my thing. I hate people, be it conversing with people, looking at people or just thinking about people then thats me out, simple as that. (God knows why I started a blog) And this games thing is people and how well you work with people. You rely on other players not to beat you up and take all your things, to look after you when something goes wrong and just to help you  though the game, the difficulty comes in on where you start. I picked easy difficulty and I am struggling with that, its set in an MEDC in a middle class household yet I'm still struggling with it. On harder difficultys you move from a middle class in a first world country to well a poor person in a Third world contry and the game just gets harder and harder.
Very good but to get the most out of the game you really need to get to some of the more immpressive points and to do that you need to work hard. 9/10
The sound effects are good but aside from that these nothing to this, I just plug in my Ipod and drown out the sounds. 5/10
As I said before, I dont even know if there is a story. Its all just random events one after annother, like many MMORPGs this isnt so immortant. 6/10
Well there are some very fun bits but I dont want to deal with people, if people are your thing then this is the game for you but I dont think making a game and making it all about how you deal with people a game. 7/10

So to summerize, MMO fan then this is for you, like single player games more then just stick to something else. 7/10
I'll be doing annother post tommorow due to populare demand and that will be a comics one again and the next in the games departmen will hopefully be Fallout New Vagas but theres just as good a chance it'll be comic jumper. Thaniks for reading Folks.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Comics Comics Comics

This post will be dedicated to comics, rather than trying to fit several diffrent subjects in like I did with my last post I'll focus on diffrent subjects each post. Today I am starting with comics, as I said before I am a batfan (if thats not already a coined phrase then dibs) I dont think that the films do him justice. Now I would like to point out its Batman who I enjoy, dont get me wrong I like the joker and the supporting cast and they have been the appeal of the films but I have yet to see anyone play Batman and play him right, Bale came close, he sort of has the badass thing going on but he still just seems boring compared to the comic Bat. Mabey my expectaions are too high and I envision this grand performance that gets it right but the Batman in my head to too far from what the films have shown. To be honest though its always going to be this way, I see batman as the badass ninja detective from the dark knight returns or the newer grant morrison stuff (I worship grant morrison but I might end up there later who knows) but the another reader sees the adam west batman from the 1960s and long time ago some one only knew the Bob Kane version. There are a thousand Batmen and thats why I like him so much, he's being around so much and there are so many interpretations of Batman that everyone has there own Batman. Thats why people get so annoyed when they dont like how he written but I just accept that when someone writes him they are writing there Batman, not yours and not mine but one day I hope we will all get our Batmen

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Big intro Post

Well this is my first attempt at something to say so I think I'll start with what I'll be doing in this blog. I'll talk about Game, comics and what ever the hell else I feel like.
The game I carnt stop playing now is Red Dead Redemption. Its great I'll start with that, I'm not finish but the first half is better than what any sand box game has done since fallout, but unlike fallout I'm content with doing nothing, I never use quick travel but I have never liked that in a game, however in red dead it seems even more pointless especially seeing how great the world is. Everything looks great, like a real world I often stop to look at everything around me, just to take it in. Then there is the actual content which there is alot of. Hows killing people? Its great from fighting Banditos who trick you into stopping and lowering your gaurd to wiping out and entire towns. The bounty system works well as you slowly get more and more wanted the worse it gets and killinng one posse wont suddenly get you out of trouble like in GTA, it gradualy gets worse and worse. Dont like killing people? Why not hunt animals? From birds to wolves to goats to snakes it is non stop. For the real men who make it to the end there are bears (I am not there yet I still have to wait for my brother to finish it first Damn it.) How about seeing how long you can go without killing? Theres plenty to do from breaking in horses to poker there is enought to keep you occupied but it wont take long before your trigger finger gets itchy again and you go back to killing everything that moves, cause its a big scary almost real world with everyone ether trying to kill you to asking you to meet those who are trying to kill you.

Well there is one comic I will talk about, again and again and again on this. That is the king of king, the god teir hero Batman. Batman is what I've wished I could have been since I was a boy. I cannot explain my love for Batman in words because there are no words except for Batman (Note to self start using that as an adjective i.e. this shit is so batman,) it would be easier if you the reader shared my love for him then there wouldnt be a problem here!!! So now that I'm past my big Batman thing I'm going to talk about everything else I like, there is alot. Superheros are the best for me but I read anything I can get my hands on. I read Virtigo, Wildstorm, Avartar. WHATEVER I CAN FIND!!!! So I'll start with a question to you my 5 readers (3 of which will be me) to make your dream Avengers and why? I'll start with my team.
-Captain America ( cause the team needs a leader and steve rocks)
-Spiderman (cause he's funny whenever theres a battle he makes everything seem better and the book a whole lot easyier to read)
-Iron Fist (I dont know, I like kung fu?)
-Thor (He's a A god!!)
-Spiderwoman (she has secret agent training)
-Johnny Storm, (This is probebly my most contovesal choice but I like his powers so thats what I feel is important but personality wise I dont know, I'd have to wait and see)

Give me your feedback so I hope there is alot.